Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bai Nian @ Audrey's place

(ROAR~This is my 3rd time typing the whole entry out again. Blogger keeps deleting my words!)

Yesterday, we went to Audrey's place to Bai Nian.
I enjoyed myself cause we got to play MAHJONG! HEH:D


Over to Airport T3 to send Aunty Cynthia & Aunty Corrine off.

Then to Parkway Parade with Hazel&the rest to shop.
Cause it's the 7th day of CNY, the cantonese believe to buy any bottoms for luckiness.
Hence, bought a pair of shorts from Marks&Spencer. (no choice cause I couldn't find any grey or army-print berms)

Late lunch/Tea break @ Swensens

Bus-ed home for dinner, whereby the house was so noisy and the cousins messed up my room. >.>


There is Mocktest for Math Elective tomorrow. Booooooo~

Oh, Hazel&Family will be going back to Aussie tomorrow.
BON VOYAGE! See you soon. Maybe at Hongkong huh? Hahahaha hopefully..

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