Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm living in my own shell.

With every word coming out from one's party, my parents start quarrelling.

I have already promised myself never to start a fight again from this year onwards.

But sometimes, I really can't stand my dad's mouth.
He's the only person, that I've ever met, with the lowest EQ ever.
His words can be hurtful to the extend of stabbing you right through your heart before your brain even reacts to it.

I'm over here sitting in my room, watching videos/the television, listening to their scary conversations and talking to this online diary.

I pity my mom at times. She is innocent yet always getting rebuked for nothing.

Okay. My mom just came into my room and told me that I was clever enough to stay in the room and not come out.
LOL she said that there was a dog barking continuously minutes ago!

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