Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have been repeating this sentence many times this year already.
"18 years old is the age whereby many will start maturing into young adults."

Do you guys agree with me?


So anyway, my mom wanted to give me 40bucks today for picking my bro up from his tuition class at Tiong Bahru Plaza.
And guess what? I rejected her. Yup, I asked my bro to return her the cash.
I meant like, she doesn't have to give me cash just because she was busy and I helped her do something right?

Fyi, 40bucks means alooot to me right now. For someone who's very broke like me. Hahaha.


Oh yeah. I was clearing some files in my laptop and photos in my ipod just now. And I came across the photos taken at Hongkong last year.
Damn do I miss Hongkong once again.
Though I don't have the urge to go back as much as I do last year, somehow I still miss it.

Stephanie! Everywhere is filled with people speaking cantonese! The food! The goodlooking people on streets (esp. gays)! The shops&apparels that you can't get enough when shopping! The cool weather during winter!

Kay. After typing those, it's a plus point to me missing Hongkong even more. :/


Tomorrow's the last paper! :D

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