Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello Holidays

Exams are finally over! :D

Today's paper was do-able THANKS to SONWEIMENG'S SAMPLE PAPER! HAHAHA.
I'm so glad I went through the paper and tried memorising some methods. Tsk, though I left a few parts undone.
Anyway, that's great for the moment cause I can get away with codes-related things! Hehe.


I have to plan my holiday well for now!

1st, I need a job to fund my touchable bank account. My heart just aches whenever I see that pathetic amount left in there. :/

2nd, ST&I have a task to do during this holiday. Righttt?

3rd, Some things that I have been wanting to buy. (Shades & Bag) Though nothing nice has attracted me yet.

4th, I wanna colour my hair and have treatment done. Prolly get that done when my hair grows slightly longer? That should be in 2-3 weeks time. LOL


Alright happy Valencia shall go and watch her variety shows now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have been repeating this sentence many times this year already.
"18 years old is the age whereby many will start maturing into young adults."

Do you guys agree with me?


So anyway, my mom wanted to give me 40bucks today for picking my bro up from his tuition class at Tiong Bahru Plaza.
And guess what? I rejected her. Yup, I asked my bro to return her the cash.
I meant like, she doesn't have to give me cash just because she was busy and I helped her do something right?

Fyi, 40bucks means alooot to me right now. For someone who's very broke like me. Hahaha.


Oh yeah. I was clearing some files in my laptop and photos in my ipod just now. And I came across the photos taken at Hongkong last year.
Damn do I miss Hongkong once again.
Though I don't have the urge to go back as much as I do last year, somehow I still miss it.

Stephanie! Everywhere is filled with people speaking cantonese! The food! The goodlooking people on streets (esp. gays)! The shops&apparels that you can't get enough when shopping! The cool weather during winter!

Kay. After typing those, it's a plus point to me missing Hongkong even more. :/


Tomorrow's the last paper! :D

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm living in my own shell.

With every word coming out from one's party, my parents start quarrelling.

I have already promised myself never to start a fight again from this year onwards.

But sometimes, I really can't stand my dad's mouth.
He's the only person, that I've ever met, with the lowest EQ ever.
His words can be hurtful to the extend of stabbing you right through your heart before your brain even reacts to it.

I'm over here sitting in my room, watching videos/the television, listening to their scary conversations and talking to this online diary.

I pity my mom at times. She is innocent yet always getting rebuked for nothing.

Okay. My mom just came into my room and told me that I was clever enough to stay in the room and not come out.
LOL she said that there was a dog barking continuously minutes ago!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Goodbye voice~

This morning, woke up & not being surprised that I've lost my voice.
Nevertheless, I still went to meet the Poly Clique to celebrate Alice's birthday.

Lunch @ Marina Square

Side Dish: Chicken Curry w Rice

Main Course: Waraku Al Aglio Olio w Wafu Sauce

Cindy & Yibei: Sitting at another side to prepare Alice's surprise

Tada! Alice w her birthday cake from Awfully Chocolate :)

Caught 'Pink Panther 2' @ Suntec City
The show's pretty funny. But I had a hard time laughing because of my throat! :(

Then dinner at Ichiban Boshi, walked around Raffles City and headed home there after.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Belated & Birthday to Zhenren and Alice!


11am @ Suntec - Training for Tuesday's Event Job
4pm @ NYP - Math Exam
Paper was rather okay for me. Just that I gave up the 10 marks questions on Differentiation/Integration. :/ Praying for an A now. Hopefully..


7am~6pm - Event Job @ Suntec Convention Centre

Woke up at 5am. This is the first time I woke up so early because of a job.
I wanted to back out at first. Cause the previous day's training got us so confused. We didn't understand the china guy's english/explanation.
However, we got the hang out of it later. It was pretty fun. My partner was a cool guy from RP. Or rather, most of them were RP students too.
All of the customers were professionals and most from all over the world. It's super cool when you ask them for their business cards.
And this is the first time you get to eat alot while working. Lunch and lotsa snacks were provided. Water was the hope of the day. Haha!

Was dead tired by the time I got home. Slept through right after dinner.


Woke up and straight away hit the books.
I had a hard time memorising/studying!!!! Computer Organisation System is a very very dry subject. How the hell can we memorise a huge whole chunk of main points!

4pm - COS Exam

I swear I was day dreaming after 15 minutes! And this is my first time leaving sooo many blanks in an exam. It was that bad I tell ya... Just hopefully I can pass this module. None of us wants to repeat this module cause the teacher is super boring and the subject is even more boring!

Throat is in pain right now. Mom just made me pop in 10tablets of a particular vitamin.
If you people want me to celebrate Alice's bday tomorrow, do pray that I will get well by tomorrow morning.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Vday

14th Feb 2009:

Humans: Myself, Cindy, Shuting, Shuying(ST's sis), JiaJun(ST's bro), Shuying's friend

Gathered at Parkway Parade and we exchanged gifts.
Then headed to East Coast Park to cycle.

Cindy with the balloons from Shuting.
The balloons attracted many people's attention lol.

Sometimes I don't really like wearing a cap cause there's no air ventilation up there. Haha.

Cindy kinda force Shuting to get the balloons for her right???? LOL

Stop to rest while waiting for Shuying's friend to come.

Lotsa food shared by 6 people! Actually there were more than just these :D
Sambal Kangkong, Sambal Stingray, Hokkien Mee, Char Kway Teow, Rojak, BBQ Chicken Wings, Chicken Satays, Gong Gong, La La, Choot Choot, Mussels, Oyster Omelette.

I only like Gong Gong among all the shell-related stuffs that they ordered. It tasted like Top Shell. Hahaha.

LOL what's with Shuting's pose?

They call me Lulu and he's OrhOrh just because we are tanned-looking. =_=

At 930pm, Shuting's parents picked us up and we went to their place.
Hang out, chatted, played Blackjack, lost 10bucks (LOL).
At 11pm, Shuting drove us to Kallang MRT.

I had lotsa fun today.
Thanks for the company and the presents! :D
Looking forward to the plans after exams.

Tomorrow will be must-stay-at-home-to-study day.
Add oil!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday the 13th


Had a mini gathering today since Cyntia is back from Indonesia for a vacation.

So we caught 'Brides War' which didn't turn out as bad as what I thought.
According to my sister, she said it's just a typical chic flick(sp?).
Anne Hathaway is gorgeous. I like her :D

Although today's Friday the 13th, it felt like a White Friday instead of a Black Friday.
I got to meet Shuting's Agnes B guy.
>He didn't seem as goodlooking as compared to the first time when I saw him!
I think it's the nose. lol. Whatever that is, I like him cause he is gay. :B
Then next was the Depression pretty boy!
Oh my god~ Cutest ever!
He offered us sweets that he bought from Taiwan. HEHE it tasted extra sweet.
And then we met Weili at FarEast later!!
She looks the same>hyper but getting even more pretty.
Eileen, Ngmin and I went to Holland V to chill later on.
Essential Brew is a really nice place to hangout at night. They have good ambience.

I forgot the name of the drink I had. But it's tea with peach and another fruit. Nice!

The 3 of us shared this platter.
Words to my beloved friends:
No matter what happens, do remember that we will always be there for each other.
If you're feeling unhappy, we have our shoulders here for you to lean on.
If you're feeling happy, share it with one another.
If you're feeling helpless, we will help you beyond our means.
Most importantly, we are just a call away.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some photos @ Shuting's place (Credits to her)


Alice-What's with the feather duster?
Cindy-And the feather duster appears again... =_=

Shuting-"I wasn't acting cute. I didn't know what to do cause there were 3 cameras facing me at a time. So i've decided to cover my face."

Myself-Taking a photo of I-forgot-who-that-was-already.

Myself, Shuting, Alice

1 out of the 10 consecutive shots

Hmmm..Counting the dice...

Shuting's bro, Alice, Myself, Cindy

Haha I think I was gonna game or something.

Tsk, 2 crazy women. I have no idea what were they doing.

A way to make yourself look taller in photos ;)

Cindy, Shuting's sis, Shuting, Myself

I like this Squid/Octopus, very cute!

After about 1 cup of Singapore Sling & 5 cups of Choya...
Lucky Cindy! They call this Ban Luck right?


To end of the day,,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am a busy girl today.

1. MI to withdraw & get a letter from my Home Tutor for the Math CT.
2. NYP to pass the both letters to Miss Wong.
3. Lunch at Taka's Yoshinoya with Cindy & Shuting.
4. Shuting went for her piano lessons at Paragon while I accompanied Cindy to buy her Guess shoes.
5. Picked Shuting up.
6. FarEast - Bought Mango Lingo & Off to our individual salons for a haircut.
7. Cindy left. Shuting & I went to Clarke Quay's Central(?).
8. Dinner at Pasta De Waraku - yummy!
9. By the time we wanted to walk around, most of the shops are closed.
10. Headed home soon after.

Miss Wong called and told me that I can retake the Math Common Test.
Say hurray or what! :D
Imagine if I wasn't allowed to take the paper, I'd have to repeat a module in year2.

Thank God!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Gambling is addictive!

Supposedly to have dimsum breakfast at Red Star Restaurant today. But my dear sister couldn't wake up.
Dinner at Granny's place has been postponed to next week cause Auntie Gim's bro just came back from America.

So guess where did I spend my whole day at?


Gambling is super duper addictive. I'm like in love with Blackjack21 & Mahjong.
One thing for sure, I do know how to control my money well enough so that's okay. :D

Had early dinner after playing a lil mahjong (no money involved)
There were more than just these food. All tasted so yummy!
&&& I got to drink ST mom's Top Shell soup again! :D

Mahjong-ed with Cindy, ST and her bro later. (now there's money involved-$1/1fan)
I don't like playing with her bro! Super stress yknow! And yes, I lost 6 bucks to him in a few minutes. Pffft.

Then Blackjack21-ed from 730pm~10pm.

Lost almost all of what I won yesterday. But's not like I went home cashless.
All in all, I had lotsa fun so losing wasn't that bad :)

Oh, I don't know if it's being stupid or what.
But I do believe sitting next to ST's bro or his friend or Alice (but she wasn't here today) brings me luck!
Tsk, i'm not gonna sit next to Cindy next time. She keeps taking my good luck seat!! =_=

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bai Nian @ Shuting's place

We had lunch at City Plaza's Arnolds.
The chicken tasted really good! & oily too =_=

A picture of how much we wasted even after eating alot! The portion was really big...

Then we walked over to Shuting's condo to Bai Nian.

Tsk, act cute onlyyy.

Cindy, Alice, Shuting

Shuting, myself, Alice

The 4 of us. (Yibei didn't come)

(These are the only shots taken with my camera. The rest are in Cindy&Shuting's cameos.)

Mahjong-ed for a while before Shuting's popo&relatives came.

Then it was time for the real thing, BLACKJACK 21.
There was her brother, his friends, us and her cousins playing.
Played for Nth hours.
Shuting's popo cake-cutting session. It was her popo's birthday today!
Continued playing for Nth hours.
Had yummy food that was ordered from a Hongkong Cafe. (I love the Top Shell soup that Shuting's mom cooked! Had 3 bowls of it :D)
Continued playing until 9pm. Cindy left halfway through.

Shuting fetched us to Kallang MRT and we took the train back.
(I felt stressed sitting in the car for the 1st time! Do yknow she just got her license like a week ago? LOL)

I realised how much a person can get addicted when gambling. You just can't stop yourself from going on and on. Especially when you're winning. And even if you're losing, you'll just reduce your stakes AND continue playing.

PS: I bet y'all don't know something. Today's my first time gambling.