Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Viral Fever

This is the 3rd time I've gotten a fever in a month!
Broke the record already yaw.

I was very pissed with the nyp lecturers yesterday.
After taking my temperature, they asked me to go home cause my temp was 38.4°c.

Do you know what they did?
They opened the backdoor of that temp taking area and asked me to go out by there.
The sun was scorching HOT at that time and there was no shelter at all.
I expected them to at least let me walk under the shelter or hail a cab for me.
But he didn't. He just told me to walk out to the main road to hail one or call a cab.
At that point of time, I literally felt like fainting..

Anywayz, I'm on a 7 days MC.
Why fall ill when I have so many tests and important presentations to settle!?
I can't visit my dad either..
He sounded worried when I called him to tell him that I won't be visiting him for the next 1 week.

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