Sunday, June 7, 2009

Shopping Day

Shopping brings people happiness!

Did shopping with Min and Nadya today.
Main motive to shop wasn't because of the GSS but to clear my Want List. hehe
& it has been a long time since I've shopped at Town.

Cotton On's grey leggings, ZARA's blue jeans & white tanktop, Converse's white vintage hightop shoes, Depression's black&white checkered vest

Dinner @ Ayam Penyet
Cem joined us and we slacked at Shaw's MacD.

Cold Rock-ed with Eileen and Min @ Holland V till 12am.
Mango Sorbet & Peanut Butter Icecream

Spent appx 200bucks today and I do see a big hole in my wallet right now.
But that's okay. Considering the fact that I hardly go out nowadays. hehe

Time to save up~~

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