Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm having Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (simpler term: rashes/hives).
My sister said that it's hereditary. And also because we are allergic to dust mites.

The last time I had this was during P6. Remembered having it twice that year.
It was so bad that I got disgusted by it and lost my appetite. Ended up fainting and had gastric pain.


Happy Easter Day! Have you eaten any Easter eggs today? :)

I'm rather happy today.
My family and I went to church in the morning and had lunch together at Jack's Place.
It's been such a long time since we had so much of laughter over the lunch table.

But something made my dad angry for a while.

My sister sat on the coffee table and the glass cracked!
My dad and bro went down minutes before to drive the car over, so they didn't witness it.
Then my mom and I were so scared cause the furniture are my dad's dearest!
We even disturbed her that the glass may sum up to an US airtix of hers XD

"Oh my god you're such an idiot! Do you know that piece of glass was custom-made just for the coffee table! It costs at least few hundred bucks you know!"

He didn't sound that scary as what we thought though.
My mom could even joke and said that nothing happened when she stood on it to take off something yesterday. And my dad's eyes turned O_O! HAHAHA.

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