Monday, April 6, 2009


I thought the house will be peaceful for once since my dad is away on a business trip.
Then, I would like to take back my words after thinking twice.

My mom is feeling pissed after teaching my brother.
And so, she starts venting it on me! (HISTORY REPEATS)

Now, she is banning me from using the computer. Just because I love staying at my room, enjoy watching taiwan variety shows-videos(apparently she hates it), laughing happily.

She blames me for not teaching my brother. Hello? He chooses to do his homework only after my mom is back from work. Not that I don't wanna help him, he only has questions AFTER my mom starts coaching him.

Like what the hell? The innocent one gets scolded all the time.

I would prefer my dad to be here. Then she won't be screaming her head off cause my dad wants peace too.


On a side note, I feel bad attacking my dad's Haagen Dasz icecream.

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