Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy 19th Birthday, Elisa!

Sent my spectacles to the Optical Shop after school today.
It seems that it's blur when I see afar.
Thus they are gonna change the lens for me to a higher degree.

Dental appointment @ 7pm
My Orthodontist changed my braces modules and now I have purple ones :)
1 sad thing, wires are being tightened. Hence, it sores right now.
No solid food can be taken for the next 1 week!
So so glad I ate something at 5 just now.


Extra Info:

- Jam Hsiao is one cute guy. And i'm mesmerized by his singing.

- I'm pissed with this person who just did something really wrong. She is a stranger who isn't related to me though.

Friday, April 24, 2009

1st week of school has passed~

Time flies really quickly.
Just as we were dreading of going back to school, we are already done with the first week of school!

Issues that happened today:

1. I woke up late!!
This is terrible as a fact that it's only the 1st week of school. Mom gave me cash to cab to school. & this is the first I like a taxi-driver! Had a nice time chatting with him despite knowing that i'll be 15minutes late for class.

2. Getting into the wrong tutorial room
I kept insisting that the next lesson will be at 'P610' & even told Alice that she went to the wrong level. Her class is at 'P5--'. Plus, I kept repeating 'P610' to QiuRong many times. At the end...our lesson was at Level 5, 'P510'. HAHAHAHA oh my god =/

3. Spelling error
Alice was trying to call Yibei with her cell. And I was wondering who the hell was she calling. Because of what I saw...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD. Joke-of-the-day man~

4. Transferring of class
3 of my classmates wanted to transfer over to Alice's class. So Alice, Gengkai and Yibei transferred over to our class at the end. Now the class is gonna be noisy with them around XD

5. Getting cheated by Cindy, QiuRong and I
We lied to Gary that our female lecturer was really pretty and has the sexiest figure ever. And he actually believed us. Being so excited, he got to see her during lecture today. His reaction made me LOL for minutes man.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Just when I'd mentioned about the super hot weather on my previous blog entry, I got affected by it.

Yesterday night, I shivered under my blanket for more than an hour.
Woke up at 530am and felt like I was going to faint at any point of time. >High Fever
Mom gave me medicine at 7am and I was okay by 10am.
Didn't eat anything the whole day cause I just felt like puking.


Tomorrow's lessons are from 9am~6pm.
And my first lesson is a straight 3hour lab lesson!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dad says Liverpool is coming to S'pore?

I think Wednesday is a 'long day' to me. Although it's just from 8am~3pm.
The first lesson, RAD (java & programming), is a 3hour lab lesson. Worst still, we are studying codes at 8am in the morning!...
The entire day completely drained me of all strength. And it felt really good after having a 2hour nap.

Anywayyyy, I went to collect my spectacles after school. Am gonna wear it to school soon. :D

Don't you find that the weather is getting really hot?!
The sun gets really glaring that it can cause a headache.
Mom just reminded all of us to bring a pair of shades out from now on.

Remember to bring yours too yeah! Or a cap!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to school

School holidays are officially over.

And I'm starting to look forward to the next, which is during June. (before my common test week)

How's my first day as a Year2 student?

Oh man, the modules that i'll be taking for Sem1 is going to be dreadful.
Boring? Dry?
Most of them are engineering subjects for crying out loud. Worst still, they are the ones that I loathed during Year1. =_=

Was trying to be a good student today and pay attention in class.
Everything was good. Except for this lecturer of ours.

He was murmuring to himself throughout the whole lecture and lab lesson!
Not that he speaks softly, he seemed like he doesn't know his work well or something.
Hopefully he won't continue to be like that from next week onwards..


Am still in love with Auntie Glory's butter cake ♥>♥
Can't wait to eat the carrot cake and marble cake!!

..and I need to get used to Nokia phones. I'm not a tech-savvy person afterall.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I love cakes!


We had a BBQ party to celebrate Martin's 9th Birthday.

Ate soooo much sausages! Taiwan & Cheese sausages were the best :D



Attended church.
Had porridge buffet for lunch, while Brian was having tuition.
Made a new pair of spectacles. (I didn't know mom likes Ray Ban too)
Then changed my phone like at last!

This is the first time my mom is spending alot on me in a day. (Besides the braces)
And frankly speaking, i don't really feel good about it.

She just requested me to accompany her to church every Saturday. Wow.

Anyway, I love Auntie Glory's butter cake! They are really addictive. Omgzzz.

Friday, April 17, 2009


1. Haircut @ FarEast (after 2 months!)

2. Met up with Eileen

3. Bought a cushion case for my laptop @ Art Friend

4. Saw 萧敬腾 @ ZARA
(I want his checkered shirt hoodie! Okay he is really skinny, has good facial skin and is very fair too. Guys, who are shy, are given an extra point to the cuteness category.)

5. Bought a notebook & stationaries @ Taka

6. Dinner @ Wisma


Hives aren't going away and school is starting in 3 days time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Seek a dermatologist today since sister's Dhacort Cream isn't helping.
The doctor asked so many stupid questions that were not related to my condition. And only took 1 minute to check those hives.
Now I know why my aunt and sis don't like him.

Anywayyy, school's starting on Monday.
OH MY GOD. 6 weeks passed so quickly~

PS: I spent 95% of my holidays, watching television&videos at home :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm having Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (simpler term: rashes/hives).
My sister said that it's hereditary. And also because we are allergic to dust mites.

The last time I had this was during P6. Remembered having it twice that year.
It was so bad that I got disgusted by it and lost my appetite. Ended up fainting and had gastric pain.


Happy Easter Day! Have you eaten any Easter eggs today? :)

I'm rather happy today.
My family and I went to church in the morning and had lunch together at Jack's Place.
It's been such a long time since we had so much of laughter over the lunch table.

But something made my dad angry for a while.

My sister sat on the coffee table and the glass cracked!
My dad and bro went down minutes before to drive the car over, so they didn't witness it.
Then my mom and I were so scared cause the furniture are my dad's dearest!
We even disturbed her that the glass may sum up to an US airtix of hers XD

"Oh my god you're such an idiot! Do you know that piece of glass was custom-made just for the coffee table! It costs at least few hundred bucks you know!"

He didn't sound that scary as what we thought though.
My mom could even joke and said that nothing happened when she stood on it to take off something yesterday. And my dad's eyes turned O_O! HAHAHA.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Vintage bags

Mom was telling me she bought her first branded bag at the age of 16. And I wanted to know how the Gucci clutch looks like.
Just as I was searching and taking out the Gucci box, we found another box containing her Celine purse-sling. It looks really vintage!

Somehow, I prefer the old designs. Or rather, the original designs are the best.
I'm so gonna make her allow me to "ransack" the next top cupboard soon x)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Recently, I have been listening to 古巨基's songs.

If you wanna sing K at home, I'll recommend these canto songs!:
- 劲歌金曲 by 古巨基
- 劲歌金曲2 by 古巨基 (chinese version)
- 超合金曲 by 李逸朗 & 蔣雅文
- 好心分手 by 盧巧音& 王力宏
- 你不是好情人 by Twins
- 死性不改 by Boy'z & Twins
- 下一站天后 by Twins
- 跟蹤你 by Boy'z


I miss Boy'z!!!
Lost every single shots of them already! Have to make do with what i've found online.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I thought the house will be peaceful for once since my dad is away on a business trip.
Then, I would like to take back my words after thinking twice.

My mom is feeling pissed after teaching my brother.
And so, she starts venting it on me! (HISTORY REPEATS)

Now, she is banning me from using the computer. Just because I love staying at my room, enjoy watching taiwan variety shows-videos(apparently she hates it), laughing happily.

She blames me for not teaching my brother. Hello? He chooses to do his homework only after my mom is back from work. Not that I don't wanna help him, he only has questions AFTER my mom starts coaching him.

Like what the hell? The innocent one gets scolded all the time.

I would prefer my dad to be here. Then she won't be screaming her head off cause my dad wants peace too.


On a side note, I feel bad attacking my dad's Haagen Dasz icecream.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shuying's 21st :)

Shuying's 21st Birthday Party @ Cineleisure's Kbox;

Theme of the party: COLORFUL

There were 2 big rooms:
Ate, sang, cake cutting session at 1st room.
Sang, played games at 2nd room (with the pool table)

Poor birthday girl got messed up with the birthday cake & sprayed ribbons!

Shuting & Cindy

That isn't a dress, it's a long hoodie ok!

Hosts for the games session. Changed to their geeky outfits.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools' Day

I realised that the shops, that Eileen&I went to today, sell clothes that are imported from either Japan or Korea.
I like i like i like!

Finally have settled and bought clothes for Saturday's party.

There's this shop that I like at Fareast >their clothes are all from Japan
But they are really pricey to me~~~
Eileen, actually I kinda like that blue stripes long top. Sadly, it costs 135bucks :(