Sunday, May 31, 2009

Not the study type.

Just got home from Church. Today's the last day of the Convention week.
Managed to catch up with my P5 English Teacher, Mrs Gloria!
Among all of my English teachers, she was the coolest and youngest one :)
(Miss Fong taught me Math so that's a diff thing haha)
She just came back from Aussie not long ago. & her aussie accent just rocks alright.

Now, back to reality..
It's the test week and I have 5 tests to study.
2 tomorrow, which apparently, I haven't really touch on yet.

! something happy to say,, I have found my cross necklace in my drawer of caps PHEW
!! the damn jutting out braces wire on my right dracula teeth is causing an ulcer

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ouh oh.

I can't find the Amethyst Cross necklace that Daddy bought for me at Korea!
He's gonna kill me if he knows about this. That costs him nearly 400bucks.

Anyway, I'm waiting for the rest to get ready..
Going to CPM church this evening. It's compulsory to attend it.
Thus, I can't go out with my primary school friends. Sorry Shihui :(

Zzz, it's gonna be bored over there.
Just so hopefully that there will be wireless connection later. =/

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Orange Modules :B

Woke up at 7.25am today. & I literally jumped out of bed.
Valerie Chung's lesson is the last lesson I'll ever wanna be late for.
Got ready in 20 mins time and Dad gave me 50bucks to cab to school.
Thank god the taxi driver drove at a rather fast speed, allowing me to reach class at 8.13am.
Was only 3 mins late for the test PHEW!

Brought this cute lil friend outta the house today, after at least half a year.
I've forgotten what I'd once named him. =/

Dental appointment @ 7pm to change the braces modules&have the wires tightened.
I have orange ones now :)


You can see how in love Brian is with himself. (just because I said that he looked quite nice in it)
His cellphone wallpaper..

Clarabelle took these. It was taken on Monday when he was admitted to KK Hospital.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's over.

I was really busy, fed up, almost went crazy for the past 2 days.
So so glad I've settled that project today.
Still, am very pissed with the laptop for not cooperating well with me. Sigh.

Anyway, for the next 2 weeks, it's all scheduled with tests&trial tests.
Oh man, I feel so tired..

Something yummy that kept me awake today.
Shuting helped us buy cookies from Subway! 2 white choc & 1 choc chip for myself :)

I'm a neat student. But our tables are always this messy during lesson time.

..and i'm happy because you look happy today. Hehe :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I ♥ to play dress up

I simply love lookbook.
It's an inspiration for me to mix&match. & I wanna be as daring as them!
Won't mind to since i've gone out in orange-red stockings before already ;)

Ohoh, and a motivation for me to lose weight.
Look at those girls! They are skinnnnnnnny and they look really good!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A fan of crocs? Nope~

Mom and Clarabelle went to Expo's Crocs Sales this morning.
They asked me along but I was too tired to get outta the bed..

So this is what they have got + yesterday's.
(Seafoam Prima is Cempaka's and White Clogs is Bobby's & 2 pairs that Granny has already taken back home)

Total bill of all these shoes&jibbitz: Appx 400 bucks

I thought my mom doesn't like to shop =_=

Friday, May 22, 2009

AUDREY: Happy 18th Bday!

It's our dearest Audrey's birthday today :D


With the polymates to Expo's Crocs Sales today..

It was super duper packed. Queued for appx 30mins to get in.
This is my first time experiencing such a chaotic situation. It felt as though the shoes were FOC like that. =_=
Managed to only buy a pair of Slippers & Santa Cruz and a pair of high cuts for Daddy.
Oh. And many cute jibbitz for Brian&Clarabelle.
The total bill was only 120bucks!

Took away Subway cookies thereafter. :D

Ohmygosh I just saw this Prada wallet online.


Shots taken by Cempaka with my phone:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Balestier (inside joke)

First of all, thumbs up to Shuting's newest blog entry. :D
We had a really good laugh today, while looking at Valerie Chung's snapshots!
The zooming effect was a good one. HAHAHA

Anyway, today was a long day for me. *YAWNS*
Lessons were from 8am~3pm. However, we stayed on till 5pm to wrap up our ITP assignment.

School has been rather fun with all the laughter made every day.
Alice's bad pronounciation of words, Cindy's retard-ness, Qiurong's way of changing our names, etc. We practically laugh at almost everything, ohmygosh.

Oh yeah, I wanna shopppppp! =/
I'd listed out my 'wants' during RAD today. And what I need now is the cashhhh!
(Went back to ZARA on Sunday & couldn't find the jeans that I saw on Saturday :[)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lotsa catching up to do~

1. Milennia Institute's Carnival
2. KTV-ed @ Party World
3. Advanced Cake-Cutting session for dearest Audrey
4. Starbucksssssssssssss

I wanna sing K again! More meet ups soon yeahhhh! :)
& the last picture is really funny if you look at it for a few seconds. Hahahaha

Friday, May 15, 2009


Low-self esteem is starting to come back...

Hate this feeling. It just makes me feel very uncomfortable right now.
And i can't help but to think alot.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I ♥ Barley Water

Seriously hope everything will turn fine as time goes by.
Hate how realistic it can get in the media industry. Most importantly, the paparazzi.
What to do? They are artistes.
Nevertheless, that doesn't stop me from dreaming of becoming an assistant. lol


*looks at Shuting & Ngmin*

..and I cannot stand it when those slim-looking girls claim that they are fat or whatsoever!
That just makes me feel plumper when i'm here trying hard to lose weight =_=

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Blogging in class right now..

Lessons end at 8pm today. (!!!) Why?!
My lecturer forgot to come for our lab lesson during Week1. Hence, he wants to combine a make up lesson with today's lab lesson. 4~8pm is crazy!!!!!!

One bad thing for being yet loves shopping at the same time.
I have been addicted to online shopping lately(again)!

Woke up 2 hours earlier to shop with Cindy & Yibei.
Bought a pair of shorts and an outerwear @ Esprit
Had lunch at Pasta Mania before leaving for school.

Including my online shopping, spent hundred plus today.
Oh my god... Need to start saving.
But I think it's quite alright since I hardly go out nowadays
And for sure, much worth it! :) (trying to comfort myself)

Feeling so sleepy~Lessons start at 8am tomorrow T_T

/edited at 13May 11.03pm
Lesson ended at 7pm at the end. But my lab lecturer is gonna extend another hour of lesson next week again.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers' Day

I'm going through a pathetic Mothers' Day. Pity my mom too.
Dad's stomach isn't feeling well. Hence, we are staying at home, having pizza for dinner. I wanna have Japanese food! =.=
Sigh, forget it. Don't feel like going out anyway.

Latest episode of 我愛黑澀會 made me cry like some fool.
I'm very much sensitive when it comes to issues about parental love.

!! my braces modules changed from purple to grey to green O_O

Friday, May 8, 2009



3.5 hours of sleep yesterday night,
9 hours of school lessons,
2 hours of journey to&fro,
21 levels of stairs to Granny's place (my new method of working out),
A small bowl of soup&biscuits for dinner cause no food can be taken after 6pm.

My eyes are shutting and i have yet to shower!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Can you pimples just get away ?!

I have a really weird RAD lab lecturer and funny classmates.
If you didn't bring your laptop or lecture notes, she will ask you to get out of the class and join some other classes the next week. (Fyi, it's a 3 hours lesson.)
Besides, when you are late or forget to bring something, she states it really clearly on her attendance list.

I hate it when it rains.
But for now, I just hope that it rains. Especially during noon!

Due to the H1N1 Virus, all NYP overseas trips have been suspended. So there goes my China trip.
Just pray that mom won't cancel the thought of going overseas this June.

Or if not, I'd wanna work! (I wanna visit Hongkong with the rest :[)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

QSS Besties

1. Holland V's Essential Brews

2. Look at the notice put up at Block 19 Ghim Moh Road's Family Doctor!
How selfish can Singaporeans be...

3. Absolut Peach Vodka + Sprite & Blackjack21 & Dai Dee

4. Damn the hot weather and my ugly braces. Haha

(Credits: Group photos taken from Ngmin's blog)

Throat isn't feeling well.

I'm using my cell to blog right now.
And it's kinda hard since i'm not used to it.

I may be going on an Educational Trip to DaLian, China during the Term Break. (15th~20th June)
And Mom wants to go overseas during June too. She was like, why not let's fly 1 day after you fly back to S'pore?
=_= i think that is madness.

I'm going for facial in 10mins time. :)

..and someone said that he doesn't like to eat Brocolli cause he thinks that is a miniature of a tree.
Hahaha, 也太可愛了吧~~