Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Middle Child

I guess most people who are the 2nd/middle child shares the same thinking as me..

Being the 2nd child feels really lonely.
Most of the time, my parents spend more time showing concern towards the eldest and youngest.
Unknowingly, they neglect the middle one.

They claim that my bro is pretty poor thing compared to us.
Ever since he was born, he didn't get to fly to many places as much as we did. And my parents didn't spend much time with him.
I guess I was even more poor thing than him?

Although I did get to go many places, my parents hardly had time for me.
For the first 7 years of my life(my bro was born when I was 7), I'd spent 80% of my time at my granny's place and school. 20% of my time was spent with my parents during weekends and back at home(stayed at Yishun then).
My maid was the only one I would talk to. She was also the one who will go through my homework with me.
Imagine, this is supposed to be the parents job right?

And that is why I've been trained to be independent since young.
I even had an imaginary friend when I young. (everyone only knew about it till this year when I told them about it)

Can you imagine how lonely I have been all this years?
They hardly observe or even know what I really like and dislike, etc.

For now, it's difficult to communicate with them cause we do not share the same opinion.
Which most often may lead to quarrels because of that.

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