Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy 18th to Myself ~

Pre-18th Celebrations:

30th September 2009;

Dinner @ Boat Quay's Timbre Bistro&Pub
Icecream @ Holland V's Swensens

Dinner was recommended by Kiewu.
And everyone enjoyed themselves, especially the food!
Roasted Duck Pizza was something new and it tastes awesome :)

Thank you so much for the presents and cake surprise (Aud made it)! <3


2nd October 2009;

Dinner @ Holland V's Thai Express
Supper+Countdown @ Swensens

Dinner was really yummy. Thai Express <3
Thank you Cindy & Shuting for the cake surprise & NNPs for the bday cash :D
Also, made a new friend called Tze Hao(correct?) whom is a nice gentleman. *looks at Cindy HEH*